Table of Contents
Volume 7;    Number 2;    Page: 75–142
(February 2016)

  Issue Information
  Case Series
  Case Reports
  Clinical Images
  Letters to Editor

Issue Information
[Front Cover]  
[Front Cover (PDF)]  
[Cover Image]  
[Table of contents (PDF)]  
[Editorial Board (PDF)]  
[Instructions for Authors (PDF)] 

Case Series
Takayasu's arteritis: Rare but not infrequent...
Tasnim Ahsan, Uzma Erum, Rukhshanda Jabeen, Danish Khowaja, Urooj Lal Rehman
International Journal of Case Reports and Images 2016;7(2):75–80.  doi:10.5348/ijcri-201602-CS-10063
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Pain in heels: Two cases with piezogenic pedal papules
Emrullah Hayta, Sibel Berksoy Hayta, Melih Akyol, Ozlem Sahin, Sedat Ozcelik
International Journal of Case Reports and Images 2016;7(2):81–84.  doi:10.5348/ijcri-201603-CS-10064
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Parastomal hernia repair with urinary bladder matrix grafts: A case series
Kent C. Sasse, David L. Warner, Ellen Ackerman, Jared Brandt
International Journal of Case Reports and Images 2016;7(2):85–91.  doi:10.5348/ijcri-201604-CS-10065
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Premedication protocol for iron infusions in patients with anaphylactic reaction to parenteral iron: A case series
Katheryn D. Hudon, Lemuel Sibulo, Albert M. Brady
International Journal of Case Reports and Images 2016;7(2):92–96.  doi:10.5348/ijcri-201605-CS-10066
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Case Reports
Video-assisted lung lobectomy in cardiac transplant recipient: Dynamic monitoring of cardiac output and fluid responsiveness
Marco Rispoli, Giuseppe Rossi, Moana Nespoli, Dario Mattiacci, Marianna Esposito, Antonio Corcione, Salvatore Buono
International Journal of Case Reports and Images 2016;7(2):97–101.  doi:10.5348/ijcri-201614-CR-10601
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A case of progressive tetraparesis due to cervical epidural abscess
Sunil Munakomi, Binod Bhattarai
International Journal of Case Reports and Images 2016;7(2):102–105.  doi:10.5348/ijcri-201615-CR-10602
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A rare presentation of tuberous sclerosis complex: Complicated renal cyst leads to sepsis
Ourania S. Kotsiou, Konstantinos I. Gourgoulianis
International Journal of Case Reports and Images 2016;7(2):106–110.  doi:10.5348/ijcri-201616-CR-10603
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Tetraplegia developing with skull traction in patients with ankylosing spondylitis (AS): A case report
Emrullah Hayta, Ahmet Karadağ, Cesur Gumus
International Journal of Case Reports and Images 2016;7(2):111–114.  doi:10.5348/ijcri-201617-CR-10604
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An acute presentation of paragonimiasis within masseteric muscle in emergency department
Asaad S. Shujaa
International Journal of Case Reports and Images 2016;7(2):115–117.  doi:10.5348/ijcri-201618-CR-10605
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An unusual case of reactivation of herpes zoster after Guillain-Barré syndrome in an immunocompetent child
Lahmouad Asma, Mouaffak Youssef, Younous Said
International Journal of Case Reports and Images 2016;7(2):118–122.  doi:10.5348/ijcri-201619-CR-10606
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Unmasking IgG4-related autoimmune pancreatitis from pancreatic cancer: A lesson learned
Ashwad Afzal, Seema Chittalae, Ivan Wong, Petros Efthimiou
International Journal of Case Reports and Images 2016;7(2):123–126.  doi:10.5348/ijcri-201620-CR-10607
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A rare case of anhidrotic ectodermal dysplasia in a six-year-old boy
Bismah Gul, U. Narayan Reddy, Swathi Chacham, S. Ali khurram, Naila Mazher, Taha Mustafa, E. Apoorva
International Journal of Case Reports and Images 2016;7(2):127–131.  doi:10.5348/ijcri-201621-CR-10608
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Clinical Images
Massive subcutaneous emphysema after domestic fall
Ida Carine Bø, Erik Waage Nielsen
International Journal of Case Reports and Images 2016;7(2):132–134.  doi:10.5348/ijcri-201602-CL-10095
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Rituximab-related posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome in HUS patient post kidney transplant
Mohamad Habli, Nada Elyoussef, Mounir Khoury, Najat Joubran Fares
International Journal of Case Reports and Images 2016;7(2):135–139.  doi:10.5348/ijcri-201603-CL-10096
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Letters to Editor
Ureteroscopy-assisted retrograde nephrostomy (UARN) for staghorn calculi in the horseshoe kidney
Mari Ohtaka, Takashi Kawahara, Hiroki Ito, Hideyuki Terao, Shinnnosuke Kuroda, Kengo Yasuda, Hiroji Uemura, Masahiro Yao, Junichi Matsuzaki
International Journal of Case Reports and Images 2016;7(2):140–142.  doi:10.5348/ijcri-201601-LE-10017
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