Before submitting the manuscript please check the following to make sure that the manuscript is properly formatted and all files are being submitted.
Provide SINGLE DOCUMENT which includes the Title Page and Manuscript Text.
Do not include figures in this file
Includes, in order: Title page, Abstract, Text body, References, Tables, Graphs/Charts and Figure legends
Manuscript should be double-spaced throughout.
There should be a 2.5 cm margin on all four sides
Pages numbered consecutively, starting from the title page
1. Title page (1st page)
Category of manuscript
Title of manuscript
Headings in title case (not all CAPITALS)
First name and surname of all authors
Highest Academic degrees
Affiliations of all authors (department, institution, city, state, country)
Name of corresponding author with contact address, contact phone number, email and fax number
Short running title (less than 40 characters)
Name of guarantor of submission (if other than the corresponding author) with contact address, contact phone number, email and fax number
2. Abstract page
3. Manuscript body text
Manuscript written uniformly in American English or British English
Full term for each abbreviation mentioned at its first use
Numerals from 1 to 10 spelt out
Numerals at the beginning of the sentence spelt out
Check the manuscript for spelling, grammar and punctuation errors
If a brand name is cited, supply the manufacturer's name and address (city and state/country)
4. References
References mentioned in text in order of appearance
Reference number given after author name or if no author name then before the closing punctuation mark
References in square brackets (not as superscripts)
References listed in 'References' section, in order of appearance in the text
References formatted according to instructions to authors
5. Tables
Tables numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals
Table number mentioned in the text in consecutive order, in parenthesis before the closing punctuation mark
No repetition of data in text, tables and graphs
Write the full term for each abbreviation used in the table as a footnote
6. Figure legends
Figures mentioned in the text in consecutive order, in parenthesis before the closing punctuation mark
Figure legends typed on a separate page after references
Keep in contact with the Editorial team. Respond to queries from Editorial Office, as soon as you can.
If you are unsure of anything send a message to the Editorial Office. We will respond to you at the earliest.